Radius Indiana

 Posted by on November 4, 2013  Members
Nov 042013

Industry: Economic Development (经济发展)

Radius Indiana provides financial grants and site selection assistance to companies that invest in new facilities in Crawford, Orange, and Washington Counties in Indiana, located near Louisville, KY. Radius can provide financial assistance to companies and communities to help provide translation services, infrastructure investment, workforce training, and other company needs.  Potential financial assistance is granted based on the amount of company investment in land, buildings, and equipment, as well as the number of jobs created and the level of wages paid to employees.

Radius Indiana印第安州克福德,奥治和顿县施的公司提供助和址援助。位于肯塔基州路易斯尔,Radius可以公司和社区提供财务援助,以帮助提供翻,基础设施投劳动力培和其他公司需求。根据公司土地,建筑物和设备的投,以及造的工作位数量和支付给员工的工水平,可以得潜在的财务援助。