ACSI’s China Business Conference will be held online via a password-protected microsite that will become available to registered participants. The microsite will include the Livestream, Agenda, Speaker Biographies, Exhibition Booths, and B2B Directory.
Live Stream + Post-Event Access:
The Livestream will be conducted via Zoom in English and begin at 8:00am ET on Tuesday, October 26th. Each presentation and panel will be recorded and uploaded on the microsite for registrants to access after the event.
B2B Directory:
The Business-to-Business (B2B) Directory is an optional, opt-in program which allows registrants to list their organization, business interests, and contact information to share and network with other businesses that have registered for the event.
Exhibition Booths:
Eligible sponsors and partners will be allocated a Virtual Exhibition Booth to highlight their organization’s business interests, company summary, industry, website, and marketing materials (including video) to other Conference registrants.
In-Person Networking Reception:
Network with other professionals at Barnes & Thornburg’s downtown Indianapolis office and enjoy cocktails and appetizers.
Note: Due to COVID-19, masks must be worn at the event.
8:00am Live Feed Begins
8:05am Welcome Remarks
8:10am China Policies on U.S.: Chinese Blocking Statute
8:50am U.S.-China Economic Market Update: Trade & Investment
9:20am Understanding the CFIUS Process for FDI
9:50am Analysis and impacts of Endless Frontiers Act
10:20am Surviving 2020: Lessons Learned & Where We Go From Here Roundtable
11:10am Indiana Export Report
11:35am Future of US-China Business Relations Roundtable
12:20pm End of Live Stream
4:00pm In-Person Networking Reception Opens
7:00pm In-Person Networking Reception Closes
Speakers & Panelists:
Sponsorship & Tickets
Title Sponsor – $4,000 ACSI Member // $5,000 Non-Member
- Unlimited Virtual Registrations
- Logo recognition on all event marketing materials
- Virtual Exhibition Booth
- Large advertisement in program materials and website
- Sponsored Panel/Presentation
- Access to Attendee List
- Provides Complimentary Tickets for 6 Indiana/Chinese SMEs
- Speaking Opportunities
- Recognition as Event Co-Chair
- Invitation to VIP Reception
Red Sponsor – $2,000 ACSI Member // $2,500 Non-Member
- Up to 50 Virtual Registrations
- Logo recognition on all event marketing materials
- Virtual Exhibition Booth
- Small advertisement in program materials and website
- Sponsored Panel/Presentation
- Access to Attendee List
- Provides Complimentary Tickets for 2 Indiana/Chinese SMEs
- Invitation to VIP Reception
Blue Sponsor – $1,000 ACSI Member // $1,250 Non-Member
- Up to 20 Virtual Registrations
- Logo recognition on all event marketing materials
- Virtual Exhibition Booth
- Invitation to VIP Reception
Individual Registration $40 ACSI Member // $75 Non-Member
Register now at
For more information, contact Colin at